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Karpet config

Karpets config file

Karpets config file is autogenerated at first server startup, the file name is called karpet.toml.


Server section, configures the server

port int

Change the port karpet uses

icon path

NOTE: Not working Change the server icon

desc string

Change the message of the day

show-player-names bool

Show player names on server list

online-mode bool

Verify players own the game

max-players int

Max players that can be on the server

enable-bstats bool

Send metrics to bstats, avalible here


AFK kick settings, not used currently

afk-kick bool

Enable afk kick

afk-kick-time int

Change time in mins for afk kick


Change whitelist settings, not used

enable-whitelist bool

Enable whitelist

banned-players string array

Banned players on the server

banned-ips string array

Banned IPv4 network addresses

whitelisted-players string array

Whitelisted player names


Control the chat

enable-chat bool

Enable chat settings, will not prevent players from chatting in the chatbox

announce-player-join bool

Send server join message in chat

announce-player-leave bool

Send server leave message in chat