Download Karpet
This tutorial will show you how to download and run karpet
Download Links
Download from GitHub
Using the installer
The installer is for LINUX ONLY It also requires Java to run.
The installer can be downloaded from the latest GitHub release as a jar file.
Once downloaded launch the jar and select the karpet version to install, then click Install
Once open input the FULL PATH to the folder you wish to install the server too. Then click install, the application may freeze(multithreading is hard alright!), give it time.
Without the installer
If you want to avoid using the command-line use the installer instead.
First go to the Karpet GitHub, and download the latest karpet server jar file from the release tab. Now create a folder in your terminal like below:
mkdir -p ~/mcserver
Then copy the server jar file into this folder like below:
cp ~/Downloads/karpet-server.jar ~/mcserver/
You can now cd into that directory and run the server file
cd ~/mcserver
java -jar karpet-server.jar